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Added an Installer
October 08, 2020
Room_001 - erohz
I've decided to add an installer to make the game feel safer as well as reducing the possible incompatibility errors that some people were getting...
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1.15.2 + minor changes
May 10, 2019
Room_001 - erohz
Adapted hitboxes to visually fit better, new map skin "moon", new command "!help" and some minor fixes and optimizations. Also reduced chat spam by directly whispering information on !buyskin and !se...
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Big update! 1.15+
April 25, 2019
Room_001 - erohz
Finally got back to working on this project :)! Big updates coming with the 'Streamer Points', 'Race King' and Shop feature!(unlockable maps, skins, particles...) Optimized the game a little bit more,...
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1.13.1, more customization soon!
December 06, 2018
Room_001 - erohz
Added a 200m lenght race in addition to the default 100m. I will be adding an option to disable boost, so races can be 100% random (fair for people with delay, giveaways, etc), as well as separate rec...
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Tiny update + optimizations
November 12, 2018
Room_001 - erohz
Added a few map skins and a snail skin, as well as optimization for big races and overall performance. I will be adding more content soon, as well as a total stream currency to unlock BIGGER things...
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Custom text and minor fixes
November 05, 2018
Room_001 - erohz
Now you can edit more chat quotes from the customize.ini file (found at %appdata%/local/snail_race_room_001), upgraded a bit the settings menu, and made the races more volatile. Remember to check the...
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Xmas update
November 03, 2018
Room_001 - erohz
Xmas skin + map, new settings menu and a few adjustments on speed, prices, point prizes... More to come soon!...
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Added the customize file
November 01, 2018
Room_001 - erohz
Added an extremely early option for customizing your own races (minimum players, maximum players, custom announcements on chat, etc). You can access the settings file on (%appdata%/local/snail_race_ro...
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